Friday, June 12, 2009

Survival of The Fittest!

There are only a few items in the fashion world that will “Never” go out of style. Years have past since these items were released and even thou sales aren’t as high as they were when they were first released, (for some) but trust me these items well always remain “IN” and you may never see them on sale!

The "ALL WHITE" low cut "UP TOWN'S" will NEVER go out of style. The sneakers can cater many different look, not ALL but a lot. These sneaker go well with jeans and shorts, i mean they are white sneakers and white go with EVERY color. The model and structure of these sneakers is so original, so if you have an unusual color shirt and you cant find kicks to match it for less then a $100 you can get these classic kicks.

The Adidas "ALL WHITE" Shell Toes are almost like wearing "Up Towns", they kinda give the same affect but just a different model look.

Construction from Timberland are maybe the only boot that i see you can wear in the summer and it looks Good, because they look great with certain shorts.

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Fashion Week

Fashion Week
From Cynthia Rowley, Peter Som, Y&Kei, and Betsey Johnson.